
Rate Everyone

Valued is based on meaningful interactions. Let everyone know what you think of them

A Swipe Away

Rating someone is easy. Simply highlight the number of stars, and swipe up

Define Meaningful

Meaningful interactions are interactions that enhance in some way. Use Valued. to show how meaningful the conversation was.

Am I Valued?

Knowing what people think of you is easy. Simply tap on your profile, and you'll have your score.

Your score is tallied up over the previous 30 days of ratings, and is ever evolving.


Your privacy is taken extremely seriously. Valued. does not use your personal information or location for anything other than the application itself. Valued. will never sell your information to anyone for any reason. Other users of Valued. will only be able to see your name and profile picture; nothing else is available.

If at anytime you wish you leave Valued., all of your information is immediately and permanently removed, with the Valued. application providing immediate confirmation upon completion of removal. If you wish to rejoin at a later date, you will be required to set up a new account, and your prior rating will be lost

For more detailed information, please see the Privacy Policy

© 2021 Michael Schloss. All rights reserved.